Fear of rejection

"The majority of dentistry is not completed because it was never presented."— L. D. Pankey

The more I talk with dentists at my case acceptance seminar the more I realise there is fear in the profession — many, perhaps most, dentists are terrified of rejection.

This fear shows itself by what the dentists choose to show patients.

Let's say a patient attends with a broken tooth. You can say "I'll fix that!" and then do a filling. This path has zero chance of the patient saying "no".

Or, you can offer the patient a crown or onlay. Higher fee, but better, more long lasting restoration. But, if you do this, the patient might say "no" and just go with a filling.

If you have a very fragile ego this can lead to a feeling of rejection. You might feel bad for a while.

Many dentists get around this problem by giving their treatment suggestions in extremely vague language: "Mr Patient, you might perhaps want to one day consider thinking about looking at doing a crown on that tooth."

By expressing the treatment option in this wishy washy fashion there is no chance of rejection because the patient doesn't have a clue what you're talking about.

Do you use words such as "think about", "one day", "perhaps" and "look at" because of your fear of rejection?


Empathy. Useful or not? (part 2)


Empathy. Useful or not?