Your own private seminar

If you’d like to improve the results that you’re getting out of your practice and make your life easier, the two things that will help you the most are learning about case acceptance and dental efficiency.

Imagine if patients quickly and reliably understood their dental needs and readily accepted your treatment recommendations.

Then imagine producing that dentistry quickly, with high quality and minimum stress.

That’s the vision I’ve had for the hundreds of dentists who I’ve worked with over the past decade.

But, I’ve got some bad news…

Let me get the bad news out of the way first — from now on I’m not going to run any more seminars on my own account.

Now, the good news…

Instead I’ll be providing in-office seminars for dentists and their teams.

I’m happy to travel anywhere in Australia or New Zealand to present your own private seminar. I will tailor my presentation to fit in exactly with what you want.

Imagine a full-day seminar where you can learn everything you need to know about case acceptance or dental efficiency or a mixture of both.

You get to ask questions specific to your own office and situation. You get my complete and undivided attention. I can work with a single dentist or a group of dentists.

My seminars are 100% staff-friendly so they can learn at the same time. In addition, you get 8 hours of CPD without having to leave your office.

Click on Contact on my website or message me by email if you’d like to find out more.


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